Free Big Five personality test

Discover yourself! Explore the five key dimensions of your personality free of charge.

What is Big Five?

The Big Five personality traits model is a cornerstone in psychological research, offering a robust framework for understanding human personality. It offers a comprehensive approach to understanding human personality by categorizing traits into five distinct dimensions. These dimensions are Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, collectively known as OCEAN or CANOE. Each trait represents a spectrum, with individuals varying in the degree to which they exhibit aspects of each trait.

The five dimensions

Comparison to MBTI

The Big Five personality traits model and the widely known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are two distinct methods of personality assessment, but they differ significantly in scientific validity and approach. The Big Five model is highly regarded in the psychological community for its empirical support and reliability. It assesses personality across a spectrum in five key dimensions, providing a nuanced view of personality traits.

On the other hand, the MBTI, which categorizes individuals into 16 personality types based on four dichotomies, has been widely criticized by psychologists for its lack of empirical grounding and scientific rigor. One major criticism of the MBTI is its reliance on binary choices, which oversimplifies the complex nature of human personality. Additionally, numerous studies have questioned the test's reliability, as many individuals receive different MBTI types when retaking the test. Despite its popularity in corporate and educational settings, the MBTI is often viewed as a tool for self-reflection rather than a scientifically validated instrument.

In contrast, the Big Five model's consistency across diverse populations and its ability to predict various life outcomes, such as job performance and psychological well-being, have made it a preferred choice for researchers and clinicians seeking a more evidence-based approach to understanding personality.

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The test

Question number 1 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Worry about things."
Question number 2 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Make friends easily."
Question number 3 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Have a vivid imagination."
Question number 4 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Trust others."
Question number 5 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Complete tasks successfully."
Question number 6 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Get angry easily."
Question number 7 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love large parties."
Question number 8 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Believe in the importance of art."
Question number 9 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Use others for my own ends."
Question number 10 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Like to tidy up."
Question number 11 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Often feel blue."
Question number 12 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Take charge."
Question number 13 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Experience my emotions intensely."
Question number 14 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love to help others."
Question number 15 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Keep my promises."
Question number 16 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Find it difficult to approach others."
Question number 17 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am always busy."
Question number 18 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Prefer variety to routine."
Question number 19 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love a good fight."
Question number 20 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Work hard."
Question number 21 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Go on binges."
Question number 22 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love excitement."
Question number 23 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love to read challenging material."
Question number 24 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Believe that I am better than others."
Question number 25 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am always prepared."
Question number 26 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Panic easily."
Question number 27 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Radiate joy."
Question number 28 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Tend to vote for liberal political candidates."
Question number 29 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Sympathize with the homeless."
Question number 30 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Jump into things without thinking."
Question number 31 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Fear for the worst."
Question number 32 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Feel comfortable around people."
Question number 33 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Enjoy wild flights of fantasy."
Question number 34 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Believe that others have good intentions."
Question number 35 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Excel in what I do."
Question number 36 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Get irritated easily."
Question number 37 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Talk to a lot of different people at parties."
Question number 38 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "See beauty in things that others might not notice."
Question number 39 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Cheat to get ahead."
Question number 40 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Often forget to put things back in their proper place."
Question number 41 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Dislike myself."
Question number 42 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Try to lead others."
Question number 43 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Feel others' emotions."
Question number 44 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am concerned about others."
Question number 45 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Tell the truth."
Question number 46 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am afraid to draw attention to myself."
Question number 47 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am always on the go."
Question number 48 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Prefer to stick with things that I know."
Question number 49 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Yell at people."
Question number 50 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Do more than what's expected of me."
Question number 51 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Rarely overindulge."
Question number 52 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Seek adventure."
Question number 53 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Avoid philosophical discussions."
Question number 54 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Think highly of myself."
Question number 55 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Carry out my plans."
Question number 56 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Become overwhelmed by events."
Question number 57 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Have a lot of fun."
Question number 58 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Believe that there is no absolute right or wrong."
Question number 59 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself."
Question number 60 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Make rash decisions."
Question number 61 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am afraid of many things."
Question number 62 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Avoid contacts with others."
Question number 63 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love to daydream."
Question number 64 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Trust what people say."
Question number 65 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Handle tasks smoothly."
Question number 66 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Lose my temper."
Question number 67 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Prefer to be alone."
Question number 68 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Do not like poetry."
Question number 69 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Take advantage of others."
Question number 70 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Leave a mess in my room."
Question number 71 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am often down in the dumps."
Question number 72 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Take control of things."
Question number 73 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Rarely notice my emotional reactions."
Question number 74 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am indifferent to the feelings of others."
Question number 75 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Break rules."
Question number 76 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Only feel comfortable with friends."
Question number 77 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Do a lot in my spare time."
Question number 78 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Dislike changes."
Question number 79 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Insult people."
Question number 80 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Do just enough work to get by."
Question number 81 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Easily resist temptations."
Question number 82 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Enjoy being reckless."
Question number 83 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas."
Question number 84 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Have a high opinion of myself."
Question number 85 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Waste my time."
Question number 86 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Feel that I'm unable to deal with things."
Question number 87 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Love life."
Question number 88 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Tend to vote for conservative political candidates."
Question number 89 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am not interested in other people's problems."
Question number 90 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Rush into things."
Question number 91 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Get stressed out easily."
Question number 92 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Keep others at a distance."
Question number 93 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Like to get lost in thought."
Question number 94 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Distrust people."
Question number 95 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Know how to get things done."
Question number 96 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am not easily annoyed."
Question number 97 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Avoid crowds."
Question number 98 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Do not enjoy going to art museums."
Question number 99 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Obstruct others' plans."
Question number 100 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Leave my belongings around."
Question number 101 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Feel comfortable with myself."
Question number 102 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Wait for others to lead the way."
Question number 103 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Don't understand people who get emotional."
Question number 104 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Take no time for others."
Question number 105 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Break my promises."
Question number 106 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am not bothered by difficult social situations."
Question number 107 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Like to take it easy."
Question number 108 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am attached to conventional ways."
Question number 109 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Get back at others."
Question number 110 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Put little time and effort into my work."
Question number 111 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am able to control my cravings."
Question number 112 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Act wild and crazy."
Question number 113 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Am not interested in theoretical discussions."
Question number 114 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Boast about my virtues."
Question number 115 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Have difficulty starting tasks."
Question number 116 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Remain calm under pressure."
Question number 117 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Look at the bright side of life."
Question number 118 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Believe that we should be tough on crime."
Question number 119 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Try not to think about the needy."
Question number 120 of 120: what do you think of the following statement about yourself?
Statement: "Act without thinking."

Our detailed report

After completing our comprehensive 120-question test, you will receive a detailed report that delves into each of the Big Five traits, providing a nuanced understanding of your personality. Accompanying this report are interactive bar charts, which visually represent your scores in each dimension. This personalized report aims to enlighten you about your unique personality profile, enhancing self-awareness and personal growth.

The history of the Big Five

The journey of the Big Five personality traits model to becoming a cornerstone in psychological assessment is a fascinating tale of scientific evolution. The roots of this model trace back to the 1930s when psychologist Gordon Allport and his colleague H. S. Odbert hypothesized that the fundamental traits of human personality could be extracted from the language we use to describe people. They started by identifying thousands of words in the English language that described personality traits.

This initial list was refined over the decades by various psychologists, notably Raymond Cattell in the 1940s and 1950s. Cattell used factor analysis, a statistical method, to reduce the extensive list of traits to a more manageable number. However, it was not until the 1970s and 1980s that the Big Five model as we know it today began to take shape. Researchers Paul Costa and Robert McCrae played a pivotal role in this. They used factor analysis on personality survey data and consistently found five broad factors, which they labeled as Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

The Big Five model gained momentum in the 1990s as a large body of research began to validate its applicability across different cultures and languages, establishing it as a universal framework for understanding personality. This universality was a significant leap forward, as it suggested that these five dimensions could encompass the breadth of human personality traits.

The model's simplicity and empirical support have made it a popular tool not only in psychological research but also in practical applications like psychotherapy, career counseling, and even organizational hiring practices. Today, the Big Five model stands as a testament to the ongoing quest to understand the complexities of human personality through a scientific lens.

Accuracy and reliability

The Big Five personality traits model distinguishes itself not only through its comprehensive framework but also through its robust accuracy and reliability, validated by extensive psychological research. The model's reliability is evident in its consistency across various studies and cultural contexts, showcasing its universal applicability.

One of the key strengths of the Big Five is its basis in empirical research, which has continually supported its validity. Numerous studies have confirmed that the five dimensions are able to predict a range of important life outcomes, including academic and career success, interpersonal relationships, and psychological well-being. This predictive validity is a crucial aspect of any psychological model, as it demonstrates its practical utility in real-world settings.

Furthermore, the Big Five's reliability is demonstrated through its replicability in various studies over time. The consistency with which different researchers using diverse populations have identified the same five factors underscores the stability of the model. Unlike some other personality assessments that rely on subjective interpretations, the Big Five is grounded in objective, data-driven analysis, lending it a high degree of scientific credibility.

Another notable aspect of the Big Five is its scalability. The model provides a flexible framework that can be adapted for different research purposes, from broad, general personality overviews to more specific, detailed analyses. This adaptability does not compromise its reliability, as the core dimensions remain robust across various adaptations.

In summary, the accuracy and reliability of the Big Five model are well-established, making it a valuable tool in both psychological research and practical applications. Its empirical foundations, consistent replication across studies, predictive validity, and flexible yet stable framework make it one of the most reliable and respected models in personality psychology.


This website is based on Python port of the John A. Johnson’s IPIP-NEO-120 software, which is IPIP version of the NEO-PI-R test.